About Us : Water for Livelihood, Water for All
Centre for Aquatic livelihood Jaljeevika is a registered not-for-profit organisation under section (8) company act.
India is the second-largest fish producing nation in the world. Fisheries is a sunrise sector with varied natural resources and potential. In India, this sector engages over 14.50 million people as primary producers and millions more along the value chain. Transformation of the fisheries sector from traditional to commercial scale has led to an increase in fish production from 0.75 Million Metric tonnes in 1950-51 to 12.61 Million Metric tonnes during 2017-18 with a contribution of 8.92 MMT from the inland sector and 3.69 MMT from the marine sector.
The priority for small-scale fisheries must be to secure and improve the benefits they provide by increasing their resilience to ecological, social and economic change. Challenges about the livelihoods of the fishing community, the sustainability of inland fisheries and sustainability of the aquatic resources on which they depend also need to be built up.

We are committed to the promotion of aquatic livelihood through better resource management, institution building, technology transfer, access to credit, inputs, markets and support in developing end to end value chains towards enhancing livelihood opportunities, securing food and nutritional security in rural India.
It’s an effort to bring all the stakeholders, CBO’s, local organizations, technical experts, policy analysis and advocacy groups, natural resource management and livelihood supporting agencies together to bring best values of institution development towards the promotion of small scale fishery and aquatic livelihood. We add greater value to our partners’ efforts through our capacity to synthesize and integrate knowledge at local, national and regional levels.
Bill Drayton, the founder of Ashoka, once said,
"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish.
They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry."
Our Differentiators
Sectorial Intervation

Open Source

Explore Localised Possibility

Our Vision
"Enhancing human capability and ensuring wellbeing through knowledge transfer, empowerment and collective process."
We believe in an evolving process to facilitate and nurture Everyone as a Changemaker. We dream to create an equal, gender-just, ecologically balanced and sustainable community through creating knowledge and institutions.
Our Mission
"Reduce vulnerability, build resilience and empower the community through strengthening aquatic-based livelihood opportunities."
Jaljeevika transforms lives by improving access to knowledge, institutions and markets in the poorest communities to establish a water-based livelihood portfolio. We work with local partners, community-based institutions and the private sector to maximize our impact.
During the last two decades, there has been a shift from capture fisheries to aquaculture. In India, the vast inland resources comprise more than 7 million Ha of the varied typology of water bodies. So far about 1 Million Ha of water area has been brought under fish production, there is scope to bring more than 5 million ha of water area for fish production. Bringing all potential water bodies for fish production will increase production to the manifold and has the potential to create millions more employment in this sector.
Mission 2030

1 Million hectare water area

1 Million fish farmer

100000+ Jobs
Our uniqueness
" We are one of the sectoral organisation to improve the socio-economic status of the
fishing community and farmers whose livelihood depends on the productivity of water bodies."
- We enable farmers to learn affordable and sustainable aquatic farming practices.
- We facilitate the convergence of technologies, innovation and traditional knowledge system towards ensuring better livelihood opportunities.
- We are a nodal centre to promote aquatic related social enterprises at the community level through institutional governance and market linkages.
- We demonstrate integrated livelihood models to ensure doubling farmers income and enhance the productivity of existing water resources.

Meet The Team

Ranjit Ambastha
Director & Founder

Neelkanth Mishra
CEO & Founder

Devanand Londhe
Director & Founder