Partner With Us to Impact Scale

Today, fish provides livelihood opportunities, food and nutritional security to millions of poor people in India. Improving the productivity of fisheries and aquaculture is essential to improving food and nutrition security at the household level, increasing socio-economic status and improving livelihoods, promoting ecological sustainability of natural resources.
Jaljeevika is a nonprofit social enterprise that harnesses the potential of fisheries and aquaculture to reduce hunger and poverty. Utilizing its institution development expertise, its networks and a capacity-building approach, Jaljeevika facilitates an increase in productivity, sustainability, empowerment of community and market linkages to improves the lives of smallholders. By the year 2030, Jaljeevika aims to impact 1 million fish farmers and community-engaged across the fisheries-related value chain.
There are many social enterprises, NGOs, the network of community organisations are working on livelihood thematic. We partner with such livelihood agency to integrate component of aquatic livelihood.There are many social enterprises, NGOs, the network of community organisations are working on livelihood thematic. We partner with such livelihood agency to integrate component of aquatic livelihood.
The partner organisation can use our open source modules, knowledge series and content to add on one more layer of livelihood portfolio for the marginalised community. We provide capacity building training programs, assessment tools, content and advisory support to partner NGOs team member and community leaders
Partnership Module
- Integrate aquatic livelihood component in regular livelihood program,
- Support in developing farmers collectively, help in developing Farmer’s producer organisation, existing fisheries cooperatives to improve the management system
- Research and advocacy partnership
- Utilise our open-source technology platform, IVR, Data analytics for enhancing program efficiency
- Set up Jaljeevika chapter within the organisation for scaling up, resource mobilisation, network linkages